Madang hasn’t had a good run for cults recently. Mass murders, Black Jesus, all size and shapes of faux-Yali/pulp fiction behaviours have taken hold in the past few years. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a really good group sex or wooden-rifle marching band in this town. How long has it been since someone tuned into a balsa wood radio?
But this week Facebook, as always, offers us a light at the end of the ridiculo-religio tunnel. We applaud the efforts of a few East New Britian lads and Central lasses to raise the bar on this long-dormant tradition of mixing the sacred and cheerfully profane once again.
First we learned (27th May) from policeman David Terry that the Black Ale cult had been unmasked (or in the words of his post---stumbled from the bushes) in Port Moresby, somewhere near the Murray Barracks.
Girls who had forged a society for the worship of ‘spirits’ had gotten together for a Goth jamboree in black clothes, with bottles of many kinds. What we used to call a drinking club is now, according to police, acult. As it should be. Apparently this Black Ales are responsible for plenty of unsolved crimes on the police blotter, causing the force to conclude that their rampage can only be stopped by a tented evangelical crusade. Preferably not one where Blood of Christ is served.
Perhaps Joyce Meyers can come and teach these people about righteous wardrobes and commercially Christian temperance.
And just when we thought Noah Musingku and the Kingdom of Papaala was all that was happening in the islands, we discover only yesterday that East New Britian has a few tricks up its sleeve. That's when the Loop reported (see down below) an incident somewhat unclear to this writer, but which evidently qualifies as cult behavior by including the venerable act of shoving a bar of soap up a lad’s ass. As an anthropologist I would have to say that this act in particular represent the imitation of our colonial overlords at work (by which I mean, of course, the current sitting Members of Parliament).
Imagine the possibilities if we could find a theological bridge between these two sects?
I’m now off to raise a glass and squeeze a bar for both.
From PNG Loop 6 June:
Taulil Ward 2 Member Patrick Kadaka has confirmed that the Malabunga Secondary School boys stoning at the school property earlier this week was cult related.
The information he received from the school administration was that the boys actions came about as a result of a female teacher’s spouse warning the boys after he received a report from another male student that a boy had approached him while he was in his dormitory saying that they would ‘sopim ass blong em’ (shove soap up his anus).
This is believed to be a cult activity currently being investigated by Keravat police, he said.
In the meantime, Mr Kadaka who is also a member of the school’s disciplinary board has warned the students not to go beyond their school boundary into Taulil and Rapitok villages.
This includes not following their day student friends to their homes nearby.
Mr Kadaka said the continuous disrespect of teachers, vandalism to school property and their lack of adhering to their school code of ethics was appalling and their actions must stop!
He said that Malabunga Secondary School has no fence around it because Taulil and Rapitok villagers take responsibility to take care of the staff and students of this fine institution that was established in 1962.
Mr Kadaka urged the students to take pride in being part of Malabunga given many of their own people from Taulil and Rapitok including himself went through other institutions but take pride in looking after Malabunga community as their responsibility.
Students should do their part to make sure they concentrate on doing well in school as their parents sent them there to get a secondary education and set a foundation for a bright future, he said.
Mr Kadaka and three ward members from three out of the four Rapitok wards came to talk to the students on Wednesday afternoon (June 04) at the Marita Hall.
- See more at:
Absolutely awesome so well done. Surely you are going to hell for mocking these god attuned people though. gb
Posted by: Glen | June 08, 2014 at 10:14 AM